
3 Online Marketplaces for Book Cover Designs

Among a book’s most appealing aspects is its cover. When choosing to purchase a book, it is extremely important. This opens the door for designers to make a living by offering authors their services in designing book covers.

Despite the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover,” many people do just that before picking it up to read. Any good author worth their salt understands the significance of a captivating cover to draw in customers even before they open the cover. Ultimately, every book lover appreciates an eye-catching and vibrant cover.

If you have a soft spot for literature and are looking to advance your graphics design career, you should give this innovative approach a go. Here we’ll show you three places online where you can get paid to design book covers.

The Three Most Popular Online Resources for Artists Who Create Book Covers

In order to earn some extra cash, you can sell your book cover art on these three websites:

Discover stunning book covers with the help of The Book Cover Designer, an online resource for authors. You can make some serious dough as a designer by selling your services to these writers.

The first step is to sign up for an account. After signing up, go to the “Apply to become a vendor” section and submit your designs. Your design will be confirmed for sale after three days of review. Feel free to submit as many cover designs as you desire, and you have complete control over the pricing for each cover.

The majority of your book’s proceeds, around 70%, will go to you. Each week, on Sundays, designers will receive payment through PayPal. The sum is proportional to the quantity of book covers sold. With each cover purchase, you can expect to receive an email notification.


One of the many freelance jobs available on the popular platform Upwork is designing book covers.

Following the creation of your profile, you will have access to the many jobs posted daily on Upwork. Just sign up for Upwork, list your skills (such as graphic design and book cover design), and begin bidding on book cover design jobs that interest you.
Make sure your profile is well-written and includes all the necessary experience, because the client will choose the freelancer they like. You should start with low prices as a beginner to increase your chances of getting hired. Gradually increasing your profile allows you to begin establishing your reputation, which in turn opens doors to better opportunities.

They accept payments made through Skrill, PayPal, Direct Deposit/ACH, Wire Transfer, and Payoneer.

The Book Cover Shop

An online marketplace for book covers is the book cover shop. Authors looking for an enthralling cover design for their unpublished book can purchase designs created by skilled book cover designers.
If you want to start making money on this site, becoming a vendor is the first step. After that, you can submit your designs and wait for the platform’s approval, which usually takes around 24 hours. You have a better shot of getting a customer if you use the book cover shop because they promote your designs on social media sites like Facebook.
They charge just 15% in commission as well! This rate may be the lowest among similar businesses. Your online dashboard will display all the details about your sales, allowing you to easily track them.

It is important for vendors to adhere to certain regulations. At the book cover shop, each cover can only be sold once. The seller must take it off the shelf as soon as it sells.

Of the cover sales, you get 85%. We accept PayPal as a payment method. At any time the seller sees fit, they can withdraw funds.


Creative and aesthetically pleasing book covers are in high demand due to the increasing trend of reading e-books online. A large number of authors are sitting on their hands, eager to have their books published and read by an appreciative public. Naturally, they constantly require a beautiful book cover that faithfully portrays the content. If you want to try this new method of making more money, you should focus on improving your design skills.


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