
6 Websites for Finding Freelance Remote Jobs for the Disabled

Everyone has a hard time finding work, but those with disabilities or chronic illnesses have it much worse. If you’re lucky enough to land a job, it might not be a good fit. Nevertheless, there are specific freelance-based remote job platforms that cater specifically to individuals with disabilities.

Thankfully, there are a plethora of flexible job openings posted online for qualified people with disabilities. You can find a job that suits your needs and gives you the freedom to work from the comfort of your own home, whether that’s in an office setting or remotely. Opportunities are slowly but surely expanding as large companies actively seek out disabled individuals to promote diversity in the workplace.

You can still accomplish a great deal and make a comfortable living from the comfort of your own home, regardless of your disability.

Websites for People with Disabilities Seeking Freelance Work

People with disabilities all over the world can find freelance remote work on these fantastic online job platforms:

Disabled Person

When looking for a job, one of the best places to start is with DisabledPerson. The goal of this non-profit group is to lower the unemployment rate. Veterans and individuals with disabilities in general are particularly affected.

Chronically Capable

Professionals with chronic illnesses can find work through ChronicallyCapable. They can find businesses that are actively seeking digital workers through this platform. The company, which was started by an individual with a chronic illness, facilitates connections between individuals and recruiting organizations, enabling you to access flexible remote jobs.


For those who are looking for a job, OurAbility is an excellent resource. Recruiters can view profiles of individuals with disabilities and get in touch with them. The website allows users to create profiles and begin networking with organizations and employers in the hopes of obtaining a great job. After that, businesses can find qualified applicants by searching the database based on their skills.


DisabilityThe Massachusetts-based JobExchange facilitates the nationwide job search for people with disabilities. As part of its diversity mission, this organization has assisted veterans, people with disabilities, and members of underrepresented groups in finding suitable employment opportunities.
Simply type in your desired country or city to narrow your job search. People can narrow their job search by entering keywords, salary range, or level of experience. When you discover a position that fits your qualifications, all you have to do is click the “Apply” button and follow the on-screen instructions.


For those looking for work, CareerCast is a one-stop shop for job postings in the United States and Canada. The aggregate of online classifieds. It opens up online job applications to people with disabilities.

Notable news outlets such as CNN, Forbes, ABC, and CBS have featured CareerCast. Among the company’s accolades are the Eppy and OnRec awards.

Typing in job-specific terms like “engineering,” “accounting,” “administrative assistant,” etc., allows users to search for their desired jobs in the database. You also have the option to search by city and state. Joining the site and making a profile is the first step in searching for a job.

Ability Links

One resource that can assist people with disabilities in their search for employment in the United States is AbilityLinks. Since its inception in 2001, it has grown into a prominent search engine, particularly in the Chicago area. The website has allegedly helped thousands of people get jobs. Northwestern Medicine is one of the major sponsors of the business.
From entry-level positions to executive roles, Ability Links has you covered. If you use the job search bar to specify the type, you can find such jobs. Users can also personalize their job search by indicating any disabilities they may have.


These days, it can be difficult to find work. But these sites make it much simpler to find the best ones. Visit these websites to try your luck at the right place, whether you’re a disabled individual or a veteran looking for a flexible job.


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