
7 Online Platforms for Creative Writers to Make Money

One of the most entertaining ways to put your boundless imagination and creativity to work is through creative writing. Writing is both a brain-pleasing hobby and a lucrative profession for those with overactive imaginations who want to make a living doing what they love. Whether you have a degree in creative writing or are simply an enthusiastic writer, there are many websites that could benefit from your abilities and expertise.

What is Creative Writing?

Anything that requires the author to use his or her imagination is considered creative writing. This all-encompassing term encompasses a wide range of writing styles that all deal with human emotions. Entertainment, information, and instruction are just a few of the many possible uses for creative writing. Writing of this kind challenges readers’ imaginations. The most prevalent ones are these:

  • Crafting poetry
  • Writing works of fiction
  • I write stories, ads, memories, and speeches.
  • Movie and TV screenplays
  • Narrative essays

Make Money as a Creative Writer: 7 Websites to Consider

A few websites that pay writers to express themselves creatively are detailed below:


Poets and Writers serves as a literary journal and online community where authors may share and discuss their work. You can find a wide variety of writing jobs, from editing to publishing, in the website’s database. To get to the employer’s site, just click on the link of the position you’re interested in.


Writers with the ability to both translate and write in a certain language are in high demand by WeLocalize. German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Hebrew, Indonesian, Swedish, Turkish, and Dutch are just a few of the languages that this firm offers translation assignments in.

Prior to beginning the job application process, you will be required to complete a language exam.

A payment gateway known as HyperWallet is used by the website to pay its employees. Payments are made weekly to writers. The reward can be as high or low as you like.

Writing Bunny

Creative writers can find a variety of writing jobs at Writing Bunny, and they can choose from a wide range of topics according to their skills. Writing Bunny will email you any writing jobs that fit your skills after you sign up for an account and pass their quality control exam. Your profile gives you the option to select your rates, which you can later raise if your stats improve. At writing bunnies, you can apply for jobs as a writer, translator, or voice actor.

Withdrawals can be processed using wire transfers, PayPal, or Payoneer. If you want to use Payoneer, you’ll need at least $15. If you want to use wire transfers, you’ll need at least $50.


Among Contentor’s offerings are text translation services. Those looking to write content or translate may find work in this field. Their online application process allows you to upload your résumé. You will find out whether you are qualified to join Contentor’s author team when the team reviews your application.

The payment rates and procedures of the contentor have not been disclosed. But that must be a respectable salary if their internet presence is to be believed.

Sports Networker

Internships are available at Sports Networker for writers with a strong interest in sports. Writers with strong research skills and the ability to contribute to the website’s daily content output are needed. This role is open to anyone with knowledge of WordPress and expertise in online publishing. On top of that, you should be familiar with search engine optimization.

Being a feature columnist is the only way to make money at Sports Networker. Plus, the position does not come with a set salary. Any sales made as a result of your article will earn you a 20% commission.

Inbox Done

Managers, CEOs, and those in executive roles use InboxDone as their email provider. For people who are already swamped with running their businesses, this service offers a solution: email management.

The company employs online inbox managers to appropriately respond to emails sent by various employees. Every year, the organization has a rolling hiring process for inbox managers. Those who are interested in this type of work can submit an application through their website. After you’re chosen, you’ll have a month of training where you’ll learn how to manage emails and operate efficiently.

Their fees and payment details are unknown at this time. Nevertheless, you will also receive payment during the training term. Your payment rate will also increase once your training is finished.

Relay Pub

Freelance writers collaborate closely with RelayPub, a publishing and packaging company, to create books and stories that are published and sold. RelayPub provides its writers with a prompt to spark their imaginations and craft a captivating narrative. Along with your application, you can upload a writing sample to the website.

Their system is based on paying per word. You can expect to earn between $0.03 and $0.06 per word. Consider the financial rewards of writing a full-length book.


There is a plethora of writing-related work available online, and you need not be a critically acclaimed professional writer to land most of it. It is possible to make a living doing something you love by channeling your enthusiasm and imagination into writing.


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